Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The impact of good quality Teaching Assistants

I have been marvelling recently at the quality of the practitioners we have in school to help to support our teachers in the classroom. There have been some mutterings from the Government and in various reports which suggest that Teaching Assistants provide very poor value for money. I am sure that in some settings this may well be the case, but not here at Robin Hood. I was delighted to attend an awards event recently which recognised the value of outstanding Higher Level Teaching Assistants. It was clear that each and every one of the nominees in attendance were unbelievably passionate about providing high quality education to children and understood both the huge part that they play in driving progress amongst our learners and being able to nurture and support children in a more pastoral sense. Higher Level Teaching Assistants bring expertise, knowledge and professional skills which add huge capacity to teacher's and leader's roles and it is with some sadness that this is not always recognised by the powers that be.
I was very proud to join Robin Hood's two HLTAs, Carol Wathen and Gaynor Cookson, to receive a certificate to show that they had been shortlisted for Outstanding HLTAs of the year. After a little digging, I was informed that literally hundreds of applications to recieve this award had been submitted in our region so to end up having BOTH of our ladies reaching the final 5 in the Yorkshire and Humber region, is something which makes me incredibly proud. I value all of our teaching assistants hugely; they bring skills to our school which I know have a huge beneficial impact on the learning and experiences of our children.
How wonderful that our HLTAs magnificent contribution was recognised publicly and properly.
Truly well deserved, ladies.